Monday, August 01, 2005


Ah yes, a new me, on Blogger. Same great taste, of course, and probably a few more calories. Hopefully a lot more calories, if calories can be thought of as words in this quick little tittle. Yes, I said tittle, and a little tittle at that. A jot and a tittle.

To inaugerate my decidedly more professional weblog, I will post a couple of pictures from my new digital camera I shouldn't have purchased a few days ago. It boasts an unnecessarily large 5.0 megapixels, and a thin size (the all-too-great combination of big and small), as well as a number of features that I have fallen in love with, which are all boring and won't be mentioned here. Check it out: Casio Exilim ZX50.


Anonymous said...

A little tittle? Is this your new "I'm Jonathan and have gone insane" blog?

Jonathan said...

dude it's all about the tittles =]

Anonymous said...

Well you are all too right about DC calling me...all too right...if I could just work out the details...