Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Senior year has commenced

Today marked the first day of class for my senior year. Two days a week, my friends, that's Tuesdays and Thursdays, that I will have class, suckas, take it. A grand total of 3 classes and one independent study course. Hmm, I wonder if I'm as arrogant as I think everyone thinks I am. I don't think so. Anyway,

As I said before, I wanted to post some pictures from my new digicam. To the right appears a mary-gold that measured about an inch across. The actual picture was huge, but I resized it. The flower in the regular picture is the size of a your screen. It's quite pretty. Ok, now for some pictures that are a little less, shall we say, effeminate.

As some of you know, my dad and I drove back to Texas from Washington, D.C. through the Smokey Mountains. These are spectacular mountains that deserve as much attention as any Rockies, in my opinion, simply on their merit as having more than 3 species of trees among them. Indeed, to diffuse the impending confrontation between pro-Rockies people and pro-Appalachia people, both ranges have their pluses. Thank you.

The trip, however, was grueling. Why? Because, as you can see, it was raining the entire time we drove though the switch-backs, tunnels, and fog-engulfed peaks. Still, the beauty of a rain-soaked mountain landscape was incredible, and I will definitely return there when I have more time. This particular photo was taken from a look-out on the way up to the top, in the rain, and, unfortunately, I had never used the camera really yet, so some of the pictures turned out slightly blurry. Oh well. The last photo was taken in a quick run down into the creek that seemed to flow along the road all the way up and all the way down. It was beautiful, and so this was a semi-decent shot, again, in the rain.

And that concludes the digicam experience.

I've begun to settle down into my new life at the new apartment, but it's taking time to reorganize myself after a two-year stay in an old apartment.

And while we're on the subject of our new apartment, why are so many things broken? First of all, we can barely open the front door, because the frame is warped and the door doesn't really fit anymore. I think most would join me in saying this something pretty basic. The smoke detectors (there's two right next to eachother) don't work either, basic too. My shower constantly drips, and there's ants sometimes in there keeping me company. Twice they've said they're coming but they never come. So,

On the subject of classes, the three I'm taking will be interesting, especially the Writing for the Popular Market. I've told some of you, but I still remain undecided about a foray into the "Arts" as I call general writing, or a foray into the public sector. Within the next months, I will be forced to make a decision regarding this choice. Nonetheless, I obtained a position in the library which will require my writing services as well some creative graphic design, which will hopefully offset the exceedingly low pay of federal work-study students.

In other news, I'm still single. Indeed one wonders why this is the case given the large proportion of intelligent, attractive girls here. What exactly am I saying here?

I came across this every-guy's-dream picture the other day, and I must say it's amazing. Every guy (shoot, every girl!) deserves a 400-hp BBQ grill.


Anonymous said...

Super sweet grill, yo. I've never been anti-Appalachian mountains, I've just never seen them personally. Don't worry about girls really, it's nice to date and spend time with them but sometimes gets so over-rated. It can be frustrating from a single's perspective, but all things in their time and place, as you know.

That sucks that your new apt has so many "bugs" (pardon the pun). Hope it gets fixed soon.

"That sounds good, Peter. And we'll get this all fixed up for ya."

Anonymous said...

Hey friend! We should be friends in real life someday, rather than just on our journals and in facebook. I think that would be neat! Anyways, thanks your ever encouraging comments and good luck on that GRE stinker!

Lara (aka strawbabshortcake922)

Anonymous said...

Damn, you are getting up there in years...wow...ha!
By the way, your new blog cracks me up. I get this mental image or you sitting on a dark brown leather couch, sipping brandy, smoking a cigar, wearing a yellow sweater tied over your shoulders while quietly laughing at the rest of us mere mortals. Just thought you'd like to know.
As for your classes...you SUCK! I have class every day, but only one on thursdays, so that's nice. Next semester will suck for me, I'll have 6 hours worth of lab. Woo woo.....bleh.
Ha, I don't have class until Monday. Have fun killa.


You should seriously come to A&M if you're still thinking of grad school.

Jonathan said...

E, you forgot the two gorgeous women on either side of me =] yellow sweater? Maybe a $5,000 suit...

Anonymous said...

I'm single too...we should hangout some this year...

Anonymous said...

i went to dc on vacation with myself. its an amazing place and i cant wait to be there permanently :) can you believe we are college seniors? man...we're old...
