Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Easter is coming...you know what that means....

Well, besides the infinitely important death and resurrection of Christ, it means Cadbury's Mini-Eggs season, which reminds me of England, my second home I never seem to be able to visit (Click the link, it's a Cadbury's Chocolate Game).

Things have been stressful recently, and once again I've found myself with an upset stomach because of it. Thank the Lord for TUMS. As of this writing, I am 2/3 through my mid-term exams and papers, with one remaining test on Thursday.

Though I feel there is too much emphasis placed on the humanities and too little effort put towards productive activities and learning actual skills, I have learned a few things in psychology—this wisdom I will impart on my few readers.

Sleep is essential. For someone my age, 8 hours per night is the minimum requirement for us to perform our best. In combatting disease, discouraging depression, and enhancing performance in all areas including creativity, sleep is extremely important. It also encourages neural development and helps store memories.

Also, excessive alcohol usage is just plain bad—and that's not my conservative Baptist background talking. Everywhere I look there is study after study that confirms my suspicion that foreign substances that alter one's body in some way, is just not a good idea. Alcohol usage has been shown to decrease neural redevelopment in the brain, causing brain shrinkage, destroy taste buds on the tongue, and contribute to depression, among a host of other things.

Also, it's really easy to damage your hearing. Anything louder than the sound of an approaching subway should be avoided, because it causes permanent damage that will be sorely missed when we're old people. Ok, some people already think I am but who cares--I'll be healthy, wealthy, and wise when they're old, deaf and depressed.


Anonymous said...

how deceptive. there is NO game link. *tear*

Anonymous said...

oops ok, i found it. i thought the link was the pic. i'm "nutty not so bad." what are you?