Monday, October 10, 2005

Granted, I realize the logic in my previous post was largely flawed, but I still feel that it is true. I like Harriet Miers, perhaps simply because the Democrats aren't whining and moaning about how mistreated they are and President Bush supports the nominee. Instead, we have the conservatives, to which I claim most of my allegiance, very concerned about what she will do when she gets in. But the secret is this:

George W. Bush is really a moderate in disguise.

Complain all you want about how he's too hardcore about terrorism, but remember that his domestic policies have often been more moderate, which has always been a concern for the really really right-wingers. Campaign finance reform? Folks, John McCain and the President both supported that, and Limbaugh used up thousands of gallons of oxygen tearing the idea to shreds. And what about all that aid to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa? Where did that come from? Restructuring medicare? He did that too, even with the support of the AARP.

Honestly, I'm not sure what all the hub-bub is about. It seems to me that Bush chose a woman who is a moderate to replace outgoing Justice Sandra O'Conner. If Bush and Reid can compromise on a nominee, I can only see that as a positive thing.

Of course, I am a bit iffy on her record, but this isn't the first time a non-judge has been given a seat on the Supreme Court.

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