This was some kind of horse made out of old automobile bumpers. Oddly, it was tail-less.
Some dinosaurs I was really excited about. Also made from old chrome bumpers.
Me sitting, quite awkwardly, on the dino's nose.
Rachel apparently got her hand stuck in its mouth. Agonizing indeed =]
And now for our trip to the aquarium. My camera and I are mortal enemies, so some of the shots came out frustratingly fuzzy.
This fish was TINY, which is deemphasized by the large type. Nevertheless, it was a tiny fish and my camera does pretty well with close-ups, as long as I can manually adjust the focus. The sea-anemones were quite small too, and I was impressed with how they came out.
Some kind of weird rock-looking fish. I walked by thinking there was nothing in the tank. There were a bunch of "rocks" which were actually fish. Must be God's sense of humor because, seriously, they just look ridiculous. I think that bump sticking up is one of the little guy's eyes. Hmm, could do with losing a few pounds as well.
Ryan was gracious enough to drive us around too, because neither Rachel nor myself had any clue where anything was. Overall, after the experience, I must say I'm still a proud Austinite.